My Review of Airbnb - Better than a Hotel

My Review of Airbnb - Better than a Hotel

Many people have a big ole question mark around the concept of renting out someone else's home or a room in their home. In the age of paranoia it makes you wonder if its safe to stay with a complete stranger or in their home when they are out of town.

People wonder is AirBnb safe? Is AirBnb Legit?

I'm sure there are one-offs but for the most part Airbnb is WONDERFUL, affordable and actually way better than a hotel.

I recently took a trip to the beautiful, mountainous and culturally awesome little city of Asheville, North Carolina. My boyfriend and I stayed with an amazingly hospitable older couple in their downstairs apartment. We had our own entrance and it was completely separate from the rest of the house. We never once lacked privacy.

The Price Difference

The average hotel in Asheville downtown costs a whopping $259. Some hotels are in the $300 range and even the cheaper hotel chains were over $150. Our Airbnb was more than double the size of a hotel room, with more amenities and  cost... wait for it... $75 a night. We were a 15 minute, $10 Lyft ride from the heart of the city and we were surrounded by beautiful mountains. Talk about an amazing deal.

The Amenities

These hosts were rated very high on Airbnb. They had rave reviews and were seasoned hosts who always ask for and apply feedback from their guests. They included:

a fridge, stove, travel guides and maps, toaster, coffee maker, living room with large TV and separate bedroom, WiFi, Cable TV, a crock pot (seriously!), glassware and pots and pans for cooking, iron, and a mega king sized bed. Seriously, WAY better than a hotel.

The Safety

Airbnb makes sure to verify the identities of all of it hosts and travelers. You need to upload a drivers licence just to be a guest so that the hosts feel safe having you in their home. Hosts have a strict rating system and guests leave reviews after every stay, so there is quite a high level of transparency to help the guests and the hosts stay safe. Hosts even review guests, so make sure to be a good house guest!

Where can I stay in a Airbnb?

ANYWHERE! There are Airbnb's all around the world. And the best part is, you can get advice from a local by staying with a local family. It is SO the way to go.

Want to save $40 off of your first booking? Click here. 

This is a very great way to see the world on a budget. Questions? Ask below!


*Edit - I have now been using Airbnb quite frequently! it is now the first site I check, not the last. Through my travels though I have learned that some cities are hurting from the affects of Airbnb increasing property values and displacing current residents. So, keep this in mind when traveling to large metro areas with fast gentrifying neighborhoods. (New Orleans is a great example, I am guilty of staying in an Airbnb there and discovering this afterward). If you are going to these kinds of cities, try looking for an affordable hotel or an Airbnb that is already in a touristy section of the city so that you aren't contributing to property value increases in residential neighborhoods.


Happy Travels!


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