The BEST Deal on Groupon Right Now for Adventure Lovers.

The BEST Deal on Groupon Right Now for Adventure Lovers.

Woah. I had to share to this with the internet universe.


There is a killer deal on Groupon right now. I am making it my actual career to search for deals every day and this one really amazed me. You can get an entire Adventure Trip throughout Costa Rica for.... wait for it...


8 days, 5 locations, 8 adventures, a bilingual tour guide and transportation (a bus, but cmon!)

You just need to get there ( See how to get cheap flights :)

This is a killer deal. Just the hotels alone will cost you more than this. I looked up the prices on these hotels and they average $150/night so that's over a grand right there. Then each of the 8 offered tours would (without this deal) cost money... Hundreds of dollars. You are basically paying for the hotel and getting transportation, tours and activities for FREE. This is great news for adventurous people. Also, all of the hotels have free breakfast. And maybe (just maybe) you will actually be awake for breakfast when you are on an adventure vacay. 

Get out there and ADVENTURE AWAY!

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